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6 Tips To Help You Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

Dr. Joe Vitale, motivational speaker and author, often says:

"the fastest way to get where you want is to be happy with where you are."

Believe it or not, this mindset works! It may take some changes and soul searching on your part, but in the end, it'll be more than worth it to adopt this positive mentality. 

While you should strive to make your dreams come true, concentrate, also, on yourself and your journey. When you spend less time wishing things were different and more time accepting what you've got, you've already found a sense of peace and happiness right there. 

Here are some tips that can help you become who you want to be right now: 

  1. Feel gratitude. When you concentrate on the big picture, it's easier to exhibit feelings of gratitude. When you're grateful, you remain positive and appreciative of every joyful moment in life. Sometimes people get too caught up in a sense of entitlement, which leads to negative feelings. Concentrating on gratitude, instead, will get you where you desire.
  2. Be optimistic. Some say that life is all about optimism. And it's true! An optimistic attitude is one of the few things you need to succeed. If you're trying to achieve a concrete goal, optimism will help you accomplish it. If you're trying to change your mindset, optimism will make the task easier. Optimism can be the driving force that keeps you going.
  3. Exhibit the traits you desire. It was Gandhi who said that you should be the change you want to see in the world. With these wise words in mind, you can replace wanting with some bold action. With some persistence and perseverance, you can make it happen.
  4. Adopt a prosperous mindset. Take a moment to determine what prosperity means to you. Are you hoping for money, a fulfilling career, or a relationship that lasts a lifetime? Know what you want, then adopt the right mindset. Once you do, you've then set yourself in the right direction toward your goals.
  5. Find the silver lining. As you go through life, you will no doubt realize that things are not always going to go your way. But even in tough times you need to keep your chin up. Instead of allowing negativity to consume your life, seek out the silver lining. This fresh attitude can be the difference between being held hostage and achieving your goals.
  6. Take small steps. When the place you're going seems far away and unachievable, it's important to break it down into small steps. Give yourself an achievable goal with a realistic time frame. Break that one down into smaller goals. When you avoid getting overwhelmed, you'll gain the confidence to persevere.

You're Already There

It's a good idea to practice one of these tips at a time until you've incorporated them into your life. Perhaps you can spend a week perfecting one strategy and, then the next week, add another one to your repertoire while continuing with the first one. Soon enough, you'll be a natural at all of them!

Once you choose a powerful and positive mindset, you'll find that you've already achieved much of what you want. Just remember: You already have the traits, mindset, and lifestyle you desire, and you know that success is inevitable, but only when you have the will to break through the obstacles in your mind!


Top 10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

Most of us, at some point in our lives, are presented with the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. This is a particularly refreshing time for those people who welcome change, because it gives them a reason to  step out into a brand-new persona.

Here is our Top 10 Tips for reinventing yourself:

  1.  Avoid giving in to what is expected, reasonable, sensible, or appropriate.  For example, if you’ve been ‘the grey suit guy’ all your life and you want to be the Hawaiian Shirt guy, just do it. The point here is to enjoy yourself.
  2. If you’re in a new job or locale, this is a time to make new friends. Choose carefully and wisely. You don’t need to be everybody’s friend. Keep your circle small. Sound people out and use your new friends to sound out new places and potential new hobbies too. Others will notice that you’re friendly but have a private side too.
  3. Practice being a great listener. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn about people, places, and everything else if you just listen. Ask lots of questions. You’re new here and others will expect you to ask questions. Ask some good ones…and listen. A surprising perk of this technique is that others will refer to you as a great conversationalist!
  4. Take time to explore the area …. alone. You’ll notice and appreciate more if you’re alone. Take pictures and make notes. It will make for great conversations later!
  5. Be a good neighbor. Take time to help others. Practice random acts of kindness at every opportunity. Others will appreciate you and speak well of you, especially if you help with no thought of a reward. Do it because you can and for no other reason.
  6. Stand up and speak out for things you have a passion for. Let others know that you are both willing and able to make your point, debate an issue, or speak up for those who have no voice. People will notice that you are selfless and put others before yourself.
  7. Start early. Show that you have a zest for life and can’t wait to get at it each day. Walk quickly and with purpose. Always be the first to volunteer for everything. You will win some and you will lose some, but overall, you will win because everyone will know you as the one who is up for everything.
  8. Be generous with your praise for everybody who has earned it. Giving credit to others will show how much you appreciate them, and it will come back to you tenfold.
  9. Keep yourself fit and healthy. Set a good example. You don’t have to go crazy - just eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and do some form of exercise that raises your heart rate for 30 minutes each day. The pay-off is phenomenal. Others will notice you and be inspired, which, in turn, will inspire you to continue.
  10. Thank others - for everything, all the time. Show your gratitude to as many people as you can, as often as you can. Most people are starved of thanks for a job well done, for sharing their wisdom, or for acknowledging their kindness. People will appreciate you forever if you show them gratitude for good words and deeds.

Most of the time, our mind runs on autopilot because how we show up in life is directed by our subconscious mind. When you turn the job over to your conscious mind and really put some thought into it, amazing things can happen.

People’s perception of you can change in a heartbeat if you apply any one of these Top 10 Tips. If you apply yourself to all 10, you will, indeed, be a completely different person - one that you consciously designed. Try it - you’ll like it!


11 Tips for Overcoming Laziness

Laziness is frustrating. There are things that you know you should be doing, but you simply don’t feel like doing them. Everyone has been in this situation more than once.

A lazy day isn't an issue on occasion, but chronic laziness can cause a lot of short and long-term challenges in your life.

Learning to deal with laziness in an effective manner is an important tool in your life skills toolbox.

If laziness is negatively affecting you, try these techniques to curb it:

  1. Start with the hardest task. Many people find that there’s actually just one task that’s preventing them from taking action. If you could just put that task in your rearview mirror, everything else would be a piece of cake. Try doing your most dreaded task first and watch your productivity rise!
  2. Start with the easiest task. On the other hand, if you could just gain a little momentum, you might find yourself motivated to continue. Try doing the shortest or easiest task first and see what happens.
  3. Reward yourself for taking action. A little reward can go a long way. Tell yourself that you can have a cup of coffee after you work for 30 minutes. Or, let yourself read a chapter from your favorite novel after putting in a couple of hours of work.
  4. Get organized. A cluttered workspace increases the amount of resistance you feel. Whether it’s a messy desk, a dirty kitchen, or a bunch of toys in the yard that are standing in your way, spend some time tidying things up.
  5. Force yourself to do the task you’re avoiding for just two minutes. Many tasks are easy to do, but it can be hard to get started. Force yourself to work for just two minutes and you might find that it’s easy to continue for much longer.
  6. Get more sleep. Perhaps you’re just tired. More sleep is the answer.
  7. Visualize the task as already completed. Close your eyes and see yourself completing the task. Notice how wonderful you feel. Use that feeling as motivation to get busy.
  8. Relax. The ultimate reason we don’t take action is this: We think about performing a task, and it doesn’t feel good. Notice where you feel uncomfortable when you think about doing that unpleasant task. Relax that area, breathe deeply, and the feeling will dissipate.
  9. Think about something that gets you excited. What is something you love to do? Think about that for a while, and then quickly get started on the unpleasant task.
  10. Visualise yourself as someone that gets things done. If you see yourself as someone that struggles to complete your tasks, that’s how you’ll behave. Instead, convince yourself that you are someone that takes care of business. Validate this belief by noticing the many tasks you do.
  11. Schedule breaks. When you have a break to look forward to, it’s easier to get to work. Promise yourself that you can do whatever you want for 20 minutes after you work for two hours.

Just because you feel like being lazy doesn’t mean you have to actually be lazy. Take control of the situation and get yourself to take meaningful action.

Everyone feels lazy from time to time, but successful people are able to move past this temporary emotional state and get themselves moving again.

Give yourself the occasional lazy day but avoid allowing yourself to be lazy on a regular basis. When you get to work and complete your tasks quickly, you can take more well-deserved time off to relax and do those things that are more important to you. Your life is waiting for you!


7 Best Habits of Highly Healthy People

Don’t think that highly healthy people are crazy about their health. They just develop effective habits to keep a good well-being. According to a large number of researches on health and longevity, these 7 habits will significantly improve your health and will make you feel better and happier day by day.

  1. They are organized and disciplined. If you want to be healthy, you should try to become organized. Being organized may lead to feeling more in control and having more mental energy. It will help you succeed in everything and do things on time. Highly healthy people prefer to work out in the morning every day. It requires good self-discipline and organization, because the person who works out at 6am before work has to do a lot of prep work. They pack the gym bag in advance and have a breakfast ready in the fridge. Being organized will help you become healthier.
  2. They take care of their health. In our busy lives, it’s very easy to neglect the healthy habits that keep us feeling great and eating right. Highly healthy people usually have a habit to prioritize their health. They often prefer to dedicate time to different sport games and activities than to meet with friends for drinks. Moreover, they are very fastidious about their nutrition. Healthy people usually have a bunch of homemade food they have made beforehand. They always avoid fast food because they find it very harmful. They drink enough water throughout the day. Water gives us energy, cleans out our body and helps its systems function well. Such life choices provide us good health and wonderful mood.
  3. They have an exercise schedule. Exercise and other physical activity are not only good for you, but they are also a fun way to spend time. Highly healthy people use sports as a tool to maintain the body in a good form. That’s why they set aside time for exercise in the mornings and evenings. Due to the high level of self-organization, they easily stick to the exercise schedule. They think that active lifestyle and regular sports will help them live longer.
  4. They get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep is an essential part of both physical and mental well-being. It’s scientifically proved that sleep plays a critical role in immune function, memory, learning, metabolism and other vital functions. That’s why healthy people value a good night’s sleep. It is very important to wake up and go to sleep at the same time, because your body works according to a certain regime. We know that going without sleep for too long makes us feel terrible, because lack of sleep can increase cortisol levels. The choice of highly healthy people is always to enjoy a good night’s sleep, because it can make them feel ready to take on the world.
  5. They plan out meals. Healthy people try to move more and snack less. Eating impulsively or snacking when they are bored or in a bad mood is not their pair of shoes. This is one of the unhealthiest habits of many people. It is necessary to eat 4-5 times a day. Highly healthy people are devoted to packed meals and try not to reach for a bag of chips. Plus, they are regular customers at a grocery shop. These people believe that healthy foods nourish their body with all necessary vitamins and minerals.
  6. They always find the right balance. The main principle of highly healthy people is to find the right balance in everything. They usually stick to this rule when it comes to their lifestyle, eating habits, sports and weight. Plus, they don’t run into extremes when something goes wrong, but live a full and active life. Moreover, it is necessary to know that regular and consistent work on yourself will bear good results and health improvement.
  7. They have good cooking skills. Unfortunately, many healthy foods aren’t as tasty as junk foods. But nowadays there is a great variety of recipes how to cook a delicious dish using healthy ingredients. Many highly healthy people are talented chefs in the kitchen. So, if you are invited to the dinner, you will enjoy many dishes.

This list of tips on how to be healthy can be a good start for you to change your attitude toward your health. As you see, staying healthy isn’t very difficult. What are your secrets to stay healthy? Do you prioritize your health?

Author: Jennifer Houston


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